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  1. Sejarah Universitas Indonesia dimulai sejak 1849 dimana UI menjadi representasi institusi pendidikan dengan sejarah tertua di Asia. Hingga hari ini, UI terus memainkan peran penting di tingkat nasional dan global. Memiliki 17 Fakultas dengan lulusan yang kompeten, UI mengemban misi menjadi lembaga pendidikan yang unggul dan kualitas berstandar ...

  2. The history of the University of Indonesia began in 1849 where UI represented an educational institution with the oldest history in Asia. To this day, UI continues to play an important role at the national and global levels. Has 17 Faculties with competent graduates, UI has a mission to become an educational institution that is superior and of ...

  3. The University of Indonesia (Indonesian: Universitas Indonesia, abbreviated as UI) is a public university in Depok, West Java and Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia.It is one of the oldest tertiary-level educational institutions in Indonesia (known as the Dutch East Indies when UI was established), and is generally considered one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia, along with the ...

  4. Being at the forefront of higher education in Indonesia, we pioneer leading researches and provide quality education for Indonesian and international students. UI maintains its distinct position among research universities with its commitment to the academic invention and research activities through various scientific programs”] [/ld_section ...

  5. Being the oldest state-run university in Indonesia with more than 160 years of experience in education, Universitas Indonesia has been imperative and influential to the sustainable development of the nation by committing to education and research. Since the affirmation of its establishment in 1950, UI has continued to grow and flourish.

  6. Universitas Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia (disingkat UI) adalah perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Kampus utamanya terletak di bagian Utara dari Depok, Jawa Barat tepat di perbatasan antara Depok dan wilayah Jakarta Selatan, sementara kampus utama lainnya terdapat di Salemba, Jakarta Pusat. UI merupakan institusi pendidikan tinggi tertua di ...

  7. Registration Schedules (all times in GMT+7) 03 January 2024 00:01 - 03 March 2024 23:59 ⇨ Student registration ; 25 April 2024 16:00 - 25 April 2024 16:00 ⇨ Announcement of selection result ; 25 April 2024 16:00 - 29 April 2024 23:59 ⇨ Offer acceptance

  8. Degree: Sarjana Ekonomi from FEB UI Kelas Khusus Internasional, majoring in Economics, Management, Accounting, Islamic Economics and Islamic Business. A total of 144 required credits accumulated from FEB UI and Partner University. Normal study of 4 years for Bachelor Degree (Sarjana). At least 1 (one) semester must be spent abroad at a partner ...

  9. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia Kampus UI, Depok 16424 Kantor Humas & Protokol Telp: + 62 21 78888430 ekst. 118 Email:

  10. The University of Indonesia was established in 1948 for the public interest and is recognized. globaly. Throughout our great history, UI has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in this sector.

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