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  1. › wiki › SuhartoSuharto - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · Widely regarded as a military dictator by international observers, Suharto led Indonesia as an authoritarian regime from 1967 until his resignation in 1998 following nationwide unrest.

  2. Jul 9, 2024 · Sementara anak bungsu Tommy Soeharto dan Tata Cahyani bernama Radhyana Gayanti Hutami. Berasal dari keluarga konglomerat menjadikan Darma mempunyai privilege (keuntungan) mewarisi gurita bisnis dari sang Ayah, Tommy Suharto. Pria kelahiran 8 Agustus 1998 menempati jabatan sebagai anggota dewan di PT Wisma Purnayudha Putra.

  3. 3 days ago · Indonesia - Coup, Reforms, Suharto: In the early hours of Oct. 1, 1965, a group of army conspirators calling itself the September 30th Movement kidnapped and murdered six army generals. A seventh, Nasution, escaped.

  4. 3 days ago · As the economic situation continued to deteriorate, Suharto left the country on May 9, 1998, to attend a conference in Cairo. In his absence Jakarta was racked by violence, in which some 1,000 people lost their lives.

  5. May 28, 2024 · After an abortive coup in 1965, Soekarno was eased from power. From 1967 until 1998, President Suharto ruled Indonesia with his 'New Order' government. Suharto lost power in 1998, and free and fair legislative elections took place in 1999.

  6. 5 days ago · Although it often was supportive of the policies of President Suharto, its antigovernment faction—led by Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president—was instrumental in Suharto’s fall from power in 1998.

  7. 3 days ago ·, Jakarta - Satuan Tugas Penanganan Hak Tagih Negara Dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (Satgas BLBI) menyatakan akan menggunakan pasal pendayagunaan untuk aset sitaan dari Tommy Suharto. Pasal ini dipakai karena aset yang disita dari Tommy terkait BLBI tak kunjung laku.