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  1. Universitas Brawijaya ( UB) ( bahasa Jawa: ꦈꦤꦶꦮ꦳ꦼꦂꦱꦶꦠꦱ꧀ꦧꦿꦮꦶꦗꦪ) adalah perguruan tinggi negeri di Indonesia yang berdiri pada tahun 1963 di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur melalui Ketetapan Menteri Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan no.1 tanggal 5 Januari 1963. Tanggal tersebut kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Dies Natalis UB.

  2. What is International Student Admissions : International Student Admissions is the process for non-Indonesian Citizen / non-Indonesia Permanent Resident students to seek admission into mainstream regular or international programs in University of Brawijaya (UB).

  3. SELMA UB – Seleksi Masuk Universitas Brawijaya. Registrasi Mahasiswa Baru Jalur SNBT 2024. Pengumuman Seleksi Mandiri Pascasarjana Semester Ganjil 2024/2025. Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Rapor dan Prestasi 2024. Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Nilai UTBK 2024. 06 May 2024 — 10 Jul 2024. Registration for International Undergraduate Program Intake 2.

  4. International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Faculty. Brawijaya University offers the kind of education needed for leadership in a rapidly changing world. Law. Economics and Business. Administrative Sciences. Agriculture. Animal Science. Engineering.

  5. Knowledge is one of the most valuable investments. Being part of an IUP is a great foundation as I was able to experience enormous opportunities and gain acquaintances both nationally and globally. Furthermore, it also helps me to develop my ability and skills. Gracyella Natalie, Exchange at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

  6. Gd. Rektorat Lt.2 Universitas Brawijaya. Jalan Veteran Malang 65145. Telepon : 0341-551611 dan 575777 ext. 117 dan 118 atau Langsung 0341-575754. Fax : 0341-565420 dan 575813. Email : Web: Brawijaya University was established in 5 January 1963 and located in Malang.

  7. Universitas Brawijaya / Academic. Information on admission, list of undergraduate programs, vocational education programs, specialist programs, professional education programs, master programs, doctoral programs, and international student selection. Brawijaya University was established in 5 January 1963 and located in Malang.

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