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  1. Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) is a bridge for both international and domestic institutions to establish a partnership with Universitas Airlanggga. The office has been managed by young, energetic and competent people since it was founded in 2010 as International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga.

  2. Media Iuris (P-ISSN 2721-8384 , E-ISSN 2621-5225 ) is an open-access-peer-reviewed legal journal affiliated with the Faculty of Law of Airlangga University, which was published for the first time in 2018 in the online version. The purpose of this journal is as a forum for academics,...

  3. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) is the second oldest faculty of medicine in Indonesia. This faculty has 28 departments and 43 study programs: 2 undergraduate programs, 6 master’s degree programs, 1 doctoral program, 2 professional programs, 25 medical specialist programs and 7 medical sub-specialist ...

  4. 1949-1954, a Professor of Public Administration Law of Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University 27 December 1949 – 7 December 1950, the Minister of Law, Jogjakarta 1954 -1961, the first Rector of Universitas Airlangga appointed by the President Soekarno on 23 December 1954 at Governor’s Office Surabaya, with a Presidential Decree Rl-1/11/1954,

  5. Airlangga University; Pendaftaran Online Calon Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Airlangga. ... Alamat : Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), Kampus C Universitas Airlangga ...

  6. Carrying out basic, applied, and innovative policy research with world-class excellence based on nationalism and religious moral values to support the development of education and to conduct community service. Devoting its expertise in the field of science, technology, and humanities to the society. Managing the university independently with ...

  7. STEP 1. STEP 2. International Applicants. A Letter of Motivation. Letter of Motivation should cover the following: Reason to pursue a spesific degree. The qualities that the candidate can bring to the program. Why Universitas Airlangga is the best option for the candidate. Academic Potential Test (in English)

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