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  1. Form Login Sistem Informasi Akademik - Universitas Sriwijaya; Selamat datang. Silakan login terlebih dahulu. Username. Password. Program Studi

  2. Faculty of Agriculture. Our campus is located in Palembang City and Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. Our campus is beautiful, surrounded by beautiful various deciduous trees and brick buildings. There are coffee shops, sports, restaurants, and a multitude of great study spots.

  3. Seeing this reality, the Dean of the Faculty of Law through Letter No.803/PT11.1.1/I/1996 dated 12 June 1996 submitted a request to the Chancellor of Sriwijaya University to reactivate the Evening Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. Based on the Chancellor's Letter No.3794RT/PT11.1.1/ I/1996 which was signed by Ir. Machmud Hasjim, MME.

  4. › index › sriwijayalawreviewSriwijaya Law Review

    The Sriwijaya Law Review (SLRev) is the official journal of the Faculty of Law Sriwijaya University published biannually (January and June) in electronic and printed versions. The Sriwijaya Law Review known as the SLRev launched on the 31st January 2017 and inaugurated formally by the Mayor of Palembang is a forum which aims to provide a high ...

  5. We provide books, journals, newspapers, magazines, and gray literature in printed and electronic formats. Facilities. Our facilities are digital rooms, TGCL corner, Sumsel Corner, Working space, theater room, computer laboratory, canteen, and free internet access. Library Membership. All of Sriwijaya University community are library members.

  6. Daya tampung merupakan jumlah kuota dari program studi atau jurusan yang ditawarkan selama pendaftaran di UNSRI ini. Setiap program studi, baik itu program diploma, sarjana, magister, sampai dengan program doktor tentunya mempunyai daya tampung tersendiri. Untuk program sarjana di UNSRI sendiri terdiri dari daya tampung SNMPTN Undangan, daya ...

  7. Dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 42 Tahun 1960 tanggal 29 Oktober 1960 (Lambaran Negara Tahun 1960 No. 135) akhirnya berdirilah Universitas Sriwijaya yang peresmiannya dilakukan pada tanggal 3 November 1960 dalam upacara penandatanganan piagam pendirian oleh Presiden Sukarno dengan disaksikan oleh Menteri PPK (Mr. Priyono) dan beberapa Duta ...

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