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Hasil Pencarian

  1. Universitas Brawijaya merupakan kampus elit di Indonesia dan secara konsisten menduduki peringkat 5 terbaik bersama dengan Universitas Indonesia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan Institut Teknologi Bandung berdasarkan penilaian resmi Kemenristekdikti. [6] Sedangkan di tingkat Internasional, UB menduduki peringkat 51 di Asia dan 400 dunia. UB adalah salah satu dari ...

  2. International Student Admissions is the process for non-Indonesian Citizen / non-Indonesia Permanent Resident students to seek admission into mainstream regular or international programs in University of Brawijaya (UB).

  3. eduVPN enables employees, researchers and students to easily and securely connect to the Internet and gain access to their institution’s protected systems. Many public Wi-Fi networks, for example, on the train, in the library or in restaurants, are unsecure, but your home network is not always well protected either.

  4. The meaning of the University’s coat or arms is as follows: The overall symbol depicts the nature or characteristic of Universitas Brawijaya. Pioneership spirit as possessed by Raden Wijaya (Prabu Brawijaya), is depicted on gold color. Universal is depicted by glowing blue color. Upholding the philosophy of Pancasila is depicted on golden ...

  5. Dominasi warna biru, kuning, silver, dan hitam, masing-masing mewakili makna kepercayaan, kebahagiaan, modernisasi, dan elegan. Brawijaya University was established in 5 January 1963 and located in Malang. It is an autonomous state university in Indonesia.

  6. Visitors Current Issue Keywords Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University Jl. MT Haryono 169 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Brawijaya Law Journal (e-ISSN:2503-0841| p-ISSN:2356-4512) is licensed under a Creative Commons license, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY NC 4.0)

  7. The Brawijaya Journal of Social Science or BJSS is an international open access and peer-reviewed-journal established by the Departement of Sociology of Universitas Brawijaya. There is 1 (one) volume with 2 (two) issues per year. As a journal, BJSS offers articles with a wide range of issues in social science, both in international and national scale. We are open for everyone to submit their ...