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  1. Jul 5, 2022 · Spray rongga mulut dan tenggorokan. Tujuan: Mencegah atau mengatasi sakit tenggorokan dan sariawan. Dosis untuk dewasa: Semprotkan ke dalam rongga mulut dan tenggorokan 3–4 kali sehari sesuai kebutuhan. Vaginal douche. Tujuan: Mengatasi iritasi atau infeksi pada vagina.

  2. One Med Povidone Iodine merupakan cairan antiseptik yang digunakan untuk mengobati luka dan sariawan. One Med Povidone Iodine mengandung senyawa Povidone Iodine yaitu kombinasi antiseptik dari larutan povidon dan yodium. Povidone Iodine bekerja dengan membunuh bakteri yang sensitif supaya tidak terjadi infeksi berkelanjutan. Komposisi:

  3. Feb 28, 2024 · Povidone iodine topical is used on the skin to treat or prevent skin infection in minor cuts, scrapes, or burns. povidone iodine topical is also used in a medical setting to help prevent infection and promote healing in skin wounds, pressure sores, or surgical incisions.

  4. 100% Obat Asli. Stock Tersedia. Kirim Cepat < 1 Jam. 30 Menit Sampai. Kategori: Kulit. Dosis: sesuai kebutuhan. Penyajian: dioleskan pada bagian yang sakit. Cara Penyimpanan: simpan di tempat sejuk dan kering, terhindar dari paparan sinar matahari langsung. Perhatian: hanya untuk pemakaian luar, dan jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak.

  5. Povidone-iodine is a broad spectrum antiseptic for topical application in the treatment and prevention of wound infection. It may be used in first aid for minor cuts, burns, abrasions and blisters.

  6. › betadine-products › betadine-antiseptic-sprayBetadine Spray | Betadine

    Betadine Antiseptic Spray (5% povidone-iodine) is a convenient spray for no-touch application. Kills germs promptly in minor cuts, scrapes and burns.

  7. Mar 17, 2024 · Betadine Spray. Generic name: Povidone-Iodine (topical products) [ POE-vi-done-EYE-oh-dyne ] Brand names: Betadine Skin Cleanser, Betadine Spray, Betadine Surgical Scrub, Betadine Swab Aid, Betadine Swabsticks, ... show all 11 brands. Drug classes: Antiseptic and germicides, Vaginal anti-infectives.

  8. POVIDONE IODINE (poe-vee-don ahy-uh-din) is used on the skin to decrease risk of infection. This medicine is also used as a surgical hand scrub and to wash the skin and surface of the eye before surgery to help prevent infections.

  9. Oct 22, 2023 · Povidone iodine (Betadine) is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that's applied on the skin. It's an antiseptic that kills various germs on the skin to help prevent skin infections. Most povidone iodine (Betadine) topical products, such as the topical solution and cream, can be applied onto minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.

  10. Directions: Clean the affected area - Spray a small amount of product on the area 1 to 3 times daily - May be covered with a sterile bandage - If bandaged, let dry first. Uses. First aid to help prevent infection in minor - cuts - scrapes - burns. Purpose. Antiseptic. SPL UNCLASSIFIED SECTION. Drug Facts. Principal Display Panel. ...