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  1. Jul 5, 2022 · Spray rongga mulut dan tenggorokan. Tujuan: Mencegah atau mengatasi sakit tenggorokan dan sariawan. Dosis untuk dewasa: Semprotkan ke dalam rongga mulut dan tenggorokan 3–4 kali sehari sesuai kebutuhan. Vaginal douche. Tujuan: Mengatasi iritasi atau infeksi pada vagina.

  2. Dewasa: larutkan 10 ml povidone iodine 1% dengan 10 ml air hangat, lalu kumur selama 30 menit. Lakukan empat kali selama 14 hari atau sesuai yang diarahkan dokter. Anak-anak di atas 6 tahun: larutkan 10 ml povidone iodine 1% dengan 10 ml air hangat, lalu kumur selama 30 menit. Lakukan empat kali selama 14 hari atau sesuai yang diarahkan dokter.

  3. Pharmacodynamics. Povidone iodine is a kind of iodine disinfectant which directly cause in vivo protein denaturation, precipitation of bacteria, and further resulting in the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is effective in disinfection and sterilization.

  4. Povidone-iodine is a chemical complex of povidone, hydrogen iodide, and elemental iodine. The recommended strength solution contains 10% Povidone, with total iodine species equaling 10,000 ppm or 1% total titratable iodine. It works by releasing iodine which results in the death of a range of microorganisms.

  5. Aug 20, 2020 · This article discusses povidone iodine (PVP-I) as an alternative decolonization agent and is based on literature reviewed during an expert’s workshop on resistance and MRSA decolonization.

  6. Jun 28, 2008 · The 10% aqueous povidoneiodine contains 90% water, 8·5% povidone and 1% available iodine and iodide (5), with a free iodine concentration of approximately 1 ppm. The 7·5% povidoneiodine provides 0·75% available iodine. Povidoneiodine is also commercially available as a dry powder spray (2·5% PVP‐I) and as an ointment (10% PVP‐I). Go to:

  7. What is this medication? POVIDONE IODINE (poe-vee-don ahy-uh-din) is used on the skin to decrease risk of infection. This medicine is also used as a surgical hand scrub and to wash the skin and surface of the eye before surgery to help prevent infections.