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  1. Trisakti University (Usakti, Trisakti) is Indonesia's largest private university located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Trisakti University, is the only private university in Indonesia which was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

  2. 4 days ago · Open House Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Trisakti. Ada info nih. Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Trisakti bakal ngadain Open House lohhh . Open House ini nantinya akan ada pemberian materi dan kunjungan ke laboratorium-laboratorium yang ada di Fakultas Teknologi Industri.

  3. Jakarta Barat, Indonesia. Phone: (62-21) 566 3232. Official Universitas Trisakti : (+62) 813-1530-9978. Whatsapp: (+62) 882 194 856 74. (+62) 877 707 077 03. Fax: (62-21) 564 4270. Email:

  4. › en › home-englishHome - Trisakti

    The development of Trisakti University began with the establishment of Trisakti University by the Government of the Republic on 29 November 1965 based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP Number 013 / dar / 1965 signed by Dr. Sjarief Thajeb.

  5. › en › aboutAbout - Trisakti

    Trisakti University is the only private university in Indonesia that was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on November 29, 1965 through the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 014/dar 1965 which was signed by Dr. Sharif Thajeb.

  6. Universitas Trisakti (USAKTI) is located in Jakarta, Indonesia and offers 47 study programmes spread throughout nine faculties including diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional degree levels. Universitas Trisakti is a private university that has achieved much since its establishment in 1965.

  7. Lokasi Kampus. Kampus Universitas Trisakti terletak di Jakarta Barat, ibu kota Indonesia. Dengan lokasi strategisnya, universitas ini mudah diakses oleh mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah di sekitar Jakarta. Kampus utama terletak di Grogol, sedangkan beberapa fakultas dan program studi lainnya tersebar di beberapa lokasi di sekitar Jakarta.